“Sundiata: The Epic of Old Mali” gives the reader an insight into the political and social culture of Mali. This includes the king’s griot and his importance, the king’s marriage festivities and processions, and the ever- present magical element in their culture Sundiata Essay blogger.com - Name: Professor: Course: This preview shows page 1 - 3 out of 6 pages. Name: Professor: Course: Institutional Affiliation: Cultural values of Mali/ African people in “Sundiata: An Epic of Old Mali” This research paper depicts the cultural values that readers of D. T. Niane’s retelling ofSundiata: An Epic of Old Mali,translated by G.D. Pickett, are able to Feb 26, · Sundiata: An Epic of Old Mali Essay. Exclusively available on IvyPanda. Available only on IvyPanda. Updated: Feb 26th, In the poem, which existed mainly in the oral tradition and then written by Arab scholars, attention is paid to several features of the traditions and history of both Mali and all of West Africa
Sundiata: An Epic of Old Mali - Words | Essay Example
Sundiata is remembered as the first of the kings of Mali. A mythic figure in West Sundiata essay history, he is known as the Lion King. He was born to a Mandingo chief, Nara Fe Maghan, and his second wife, Sogolon. After the death of his father, he and his mother had to flee because his 11 sundiata essay brothers were jealous of the love his father had shown him and were a threat to his life. The death of Nara Fe Maghan came at a bad time for the Malinke people, for at this time Sumanguru was trying to revive the kingdom of Ghana. In Sundiata challenged Sumanguru at Kirina, in a largely cavalry battle, with both armies mounted on horses and camels. The warriors would have worn heavily padded cloth coats of armor, although perhaps the more wealthy ones like Sundiata would have had chain mail and helmets imported from North Africa by the Arabs.
Sundiata won by a sundiata essay cavalry charge, sundiata essay, which left Sumanguru dead, either killed sundiata essay the fighting or executed after. With the death of Sumanguru, Sundiata became the mansa, or chief, sundiata essay, of a federation in western Niger, with his new capital at Niani. Sundiata carefully organized his new realm. Sundiata essay also set up an administrative sundiata essay based on provinces, which accommodated regional desires for a degree of self-government sundiata essay allowing the mansa to retain ultimate control over what was fast becoming the empire of Mali. Sundiata himself converted to Islam but did not compel sundiata essay people to become Muslims.
His conversion was a pragmatic act of statecraft, in order to gain a better position with the Arabs, who held much of the trade of western Africa, as they would until the coming of the Europeans in the 15th century with the advent of the Portuguese. Following the death of Sundiata, sundiata essay, the kingdom that would be known as Mali continued to expand during the reign of his son Uli — There was a period of strife when a general named Sakura seized power, sundiata essay. Sakura decided to fulfill the Islamic vow of the hajj and make a pilgrimage from Mali to Mecca.
Under Kankan Musa, also known as Mansa Musa, Mali reached its apex. Kankan Musa reigned —37 also sundiata essay the hajj, sundiata essay, the pilgrimage to Mecca, in and returned safely. But with him on his return, Kankan also brought Islamic scholars from Mecca. With them he established centers of learning in Timbuktu, Jenne or Djenneand Gao. A huge mud brick mosque in Jenne would later be restored inwhen Moulay Hafid ruled as sultan of Morocco. Mansa Musa also introduced Islamic architecture to West Africa with the arrival of Ishak as-Sahili, sundiata essay built a series of mosques.
His development of Mali was made possible by the great wealth in gold at his disposal. According to Joseph E, sundiata essay. So abundant is the gold which is found in his country that he is the richest and most noble king in all the land. This example Sundiata Essay is published for educational and informational purposes only. If you need a custom essay or research paper on this topic please use our writing services. com offers reliable custom essay writing services that can help you to receive high grades and impress your professors with the quality of each essay or research paper you hand in.
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The Sunjata Story - Glimpse of a Mande Epic
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Sundiata Essay Example Mali’s founding king, Sundiata, ruled the Empire of Mali from “ I am going to tell you of Sundiata, the father of the Bright Country, of the savanna land, the ancestor of those who draw the bow, the master of a Estimated Reading Time: 6 mins Sundiata Essay. Sundiata is remembered as the first of the kings of Mali. A mythic figure in West African history, he is known as the Lion King. He was born to a Mandingo chief, Nara Fe Maghan, and his second wife, Sogolon. After the death of his father, he and his mother had to flee because his 11 other brothers were jealous of the love his father had shown him and were a threat to Estimated Reading Time: 5 mins Feb 26, · Sundiata: An Epic of Old Mali Essay. Exclusively available on IvyPanda. Available only on IvyPanda. Updated: Feb 26th, In the poem, which existed mainly in the oral tradition and then written by Arab scholars, attention is paid to several features of the traditions and history of both Mali and all of West Africa
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