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Lower the drinking age to 18 essay

Lower the drinking age to 18 essay

Get help with your assigment. Since alcohol is not allowed among the year old age group, these youngsters tend to consume alcohol in secret, thus creating spaces where alcohol consumption is illicit, unregulated, and unsupervised. If the drinking age was lowered to 18, college students and other people of the same age could consume alcohol comfortably and in a safer manner, lowering the risk of alcohol poisoning. View entire sample Join StudyHippo to see entire essay. I saw one black man struck down before the crowd closed around it. Underage drinking is lower the drinking age to 18 essay one of the biggest and consistent societal issues in the United States. PhD Essay LIFE Age Adolescence Lowering the Drinking Age to

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LOWER THE DRINKING AGE TO 18 ESSAY. People think that Congress should lower the drinking age to 18 years old, and others specifically argue that the legal age should remain at twenty-one in a major way. In the first place, the legal age should be lowered to eighteen years old. The drinking age should be lowered from 21 years old to 18 years old because at that age one legally becomes an adult, it would reduce the amount of unsafe drinking activity, and there are fewer drunk driving car accidents in many other countries with a drinking age of The drinking age should be lowered to the age of 18 for the following reasons; one, most people between the age of are drinking alcohol already, and two, you should have the right to purchase alcohol when you reach the age of 18, because that is the age when you are considered and adult Drinking age should be lowered to 18 essay Additionally, there are many people who drink before reaching 21 years old.

By outlawing drinking for persons under the age of 21, the government has made underage drinking an underground activity Ogilvie. Immediately you can smoke cigarettes, vote, be a jury member, even join the military and fight for your country. Lowering the Legal Drinking Age to 18 The legal imbibing age in the United States is set at twenty-one old ages of age. I believe that sing 21 as the legal age of adulthood is pathetic. Who is to state that merely because an person is 21 agencies that they are mature plenty to devour intoxicant in a responsible mode? If the drinking age was lowered to 18, college students and other people of the same age could consume alcohol comfortably and in a safer manner, lowering the risk of alcohol poisoning, lower the drinking age to 18 essay.

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The provisions of this law, however, have been contested for decades. Indeed, the discussion has become so heated it should be considered as among the best political debates. On one side of the debate are those who want to maintain the current minimum legal drinking age at 21 years; on the other side of the debate are those who want to lower it to 18 years. Lowering the minimum legal drinking age may come across as problematic at first, but is actually a sound policy and counterintuitive solution to some issues related to drinking among the youth.

Firstly, setting the minimum legal drinking age at 21 years is incongruent with the age of majority set for other rights and privileges. The main reason why the drinking age exists is the belief that young people do not have the maturity it takes to responsibly handle alcohol. While this general principle in itself is true, at least as far as children and younger teenagers are concerned, it nonetheless does not make sense that the drinking age is set at 21 while many other rights and privileges require a far lower age.

The minimum legal age for driving, for instance, widely varies among the states. Some states such as Alaska, Arkansas, and Kansas allow teenagers as young as 14 years to drive, while the maximum age for the other states is 16 years Witmer, Meanwhile, the minimum age to vote in the general elections is set at 18 years while some states even allow voting at 17 years for primaries USA. gov, The right to vote and the privilege to drive have minimum age requirements for the same reason that there is an age requirement for purchasing alcohol—that is, the belief that people younger than those ages lack the maturity and responsibility entailed in driving and voting. Examination of the differences in age requirements, however, reveals how flawed the drinking age is.

It simply does not make sense how a person 14 years of age can be considered as having the maturity and responsibility to drive yet still be regarded as immature and irresponsible to handle alcohol. If adulthood is requisite to drinking, then 18 years should be set as the drinking age rather than 21 years for the same reason that this is the age when a person is considered an adult and therefore entitled to vote. Another reason why the drinking age should be lowered to 18 years is because it demystifies drinking and therefore may help lower the number of teenagers who drink alcohol. According to studies, one of the primary reasons why the youth drinks alcohol is the desire to project maturity and independence National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism [NIAAA], Because alcohol is not allowed for people younger than 21 years, drinking becomes a symbol of maturity and independence.

As a result, young people turn to purchasing and consuming alcohol in secret. Lowering the drinking age to 18, on the other hand, will help demystify alcohol. How does anyone expect students to listen to a teacher when this gibberish is coming from their mouth? First you need to properly educate young adults. Second, you need trust them. If you treat young adults like children they will act like children. If you treat young adults as responsible adults they will act maturely. While most parents agree that serving alcohol to groups of minors should be prohibited, many also reserve the right to introduce their teenage children to alcohol.

Supervised, moderate exposure to alcohol in the home with family lays the foundation for a healthy respect for alcohol and its associated responsibilities. At 21, does all the maturity and intelligence we need to navigate this earth finally dawn on us! Well, our country seem to think so. But look on the bright side, there will always be a beer waiting for you when you are of age. This essay was written by a fellow student. You can use it as an example when writing your own essay or use it as a source, but you need cite it. Explore how the human body functions as one unit in harmony in order to life.

Lowering the Drinking Age to Free Essays - PhDessay. com, Apr 12, Accessed January 7, com , Apr What would happen If the drinking age were lowered for those In the military? Xx xx English Mrs.. Xix 20 Par XX Military Drinking Age 1 What would happen. Dominicia Ferrell Mrs. Burns English December 1, Should the legal drinking age be raised or lowered? Should the drinking age be lowered to eighteen years old, when one. Listening to the news on television, hearing other students talk about it, is it really true, or are they going to lower the drinking age to 18? This is not. He turned solemnly toward me, searching my face for some sign of understanding. This is the fifth one, exactly like all the others.

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