Aug 05, · Disaster Management is a structured institution which is designed to reduce or eliminate the impact of disasters on people and their interests. It also is an act of preventive measure to avert disasters and minimise the damage by taking actions in advance. Disaster management is a combination of science, engineering and human resources Please Write an Essay on Disaster Management. Verified. k + views. Disaster management refers to the response to an emergency. Due to its unique geographical conditions, India is prone to natural disasters. Some of the major natural disasters that India has often faced are floods, landslides, earthquakes, droughts, storms, and so on + Words Essay on Disaster Management. Nature has various manifestations both gentle as well as aggressive. We see how sometimes it is so calm while the other times it becomes fierce. The calm side is loved by everyone, of course, however, when the ferocious side is shown, devastation happens. As humans cannot control everything, certain things of nature are out of Estimated Reading Time: 4 mins
Essay On Disaster Management In English For Students & Teachers – National Testing Agency
Essay on disaster management! These essays will also guide you about the meaning, types, process, prevention, control, awareness for disaster management. Contents List of Essays on Disaster Management Essay on Disaster Management — Short Essay Essay on disaster management 1 — Words Essay on Disaster Management In India Essay 2 — Words Essay on Disaster Management — For School Students Class 5, 6, 7, 8, essay on disaster management, 9, 10, 11 and 12 Standard Essay 3 — Words Essay on Disaster Management Essay 4 — Words Essay on Disaster Management — Written in English Essay 5 — Words Essay on Disaster Management Essay 6 — Words Essay on Disaster Management — For College and University Students Essay 7 — Words Essay on Disaster Management — Long Essay for Competitive Exams Like IAS, IPS, Civil Services and UPSC Essay essay on disaster management — Words.
The disaster management is a discipline through which human beings do their very best to limit the feel of the damage caused by disasters. A disaster can sometimes be said to mean a situation that is very catastrophic where the usual pattern in life and the ecosystem is disturbed and there is a need for an emergency intervention to preserve and save lives or the environment. It is important essay on disaster management note that natural disasters can happen at any time and this means that adequate measures and tools must be put in place to help battle or essay on disaster management the effects and impact essay on disaster management disasters when they happen.
Audience: The below given essays are exclusively written for school students Class 5, 6, 7, essay on disaster management, 8, 9, 10, essay on disaster management, 11 and 12 standard essay on disaster management, college and university students. Furthermore, those students preparing for competitive exams like IAS, IPS, Civil Services and UPSC can also increase their knowledge by reading these essays. Disaster is something that interrupts the normal functioning of a community; it results in a great loss of life and property that cannot be stopped or sorted out immediately.
Two main types of disasters are explained below Natural Disasters — These disasters are caused by nature and they are far beyond human control. Earth quakes, floods, hurricanes, tsunami are few examples. Man-Made Disasters — These disasters are caused by humans either unknowingly or purposefully. Few examples are Fire accidents, nuclear attacks, wars, conflicts etc. Disaster Management is a system or a well-designed plan by which the hazards of a disaster is reduced. It is the effort that the government takes to tackle any unexpected situation. The world has been a victim of many disasters, still it survives because of the efficient disaster management systems that every country possesses. Disasters result in damage. Disasters cannot be stopped but disaster management can be strengthened.
A disaster is an intense troubling disturbance in the working of a country and society as it usually affects a large section of the population and causes massive damage. To deal with such disasters there comes in place disaster management. India is a country essay on disaster management to disasters such as floods and doubts, earthquakes, Tsunamis and landslides happening every year in different parts of the country. In fact, essay on disaster management, there is no such nation which is protected from disasters. National Disaster Management Authority NDMA is the body under the Ministry of Home Affairs which has been set to deal with the disaster management in India.
NDMA was formed on 30 May under the Disaster Management Act. Its duties are to lay down the policies on the steps required to be taken for disaster management and take suitable measures to help people and Government in times of disaster. Various exercises should be performed in case of a disaster. Disaster Management includes the coordination, direction, and full control, essay on disaster management, quick evaluation of harm, rebuilding of intensity, media transmission and surface transport, the sending of inquiry and save groups, medicals and para-medicinal groups, water for drinking and food material, setting up of transitory asylums, sanitation and cleanliness ID and reserving of assets, last yet not minimal, upkeep of lawfulness is similarly critical.
However, it must be noted that it is not the responsibility of the Government alone to help people in times of disaster. Every single individual must take a functioning part in disaster management in order to decrease the loss of life and resources. Chaos, mass death of human beings and livestock, increased crime rate are some of the effects of disasters. Disasters are negative occurrences that lead to widespread panic and fear. Disasters can be natural or man-made. In both cases, they can lead to great loss of lives essay on disaster management properties. In extreme cases, there can essay on disaster management a combination of man-made and natural disasters. For instance, armed conflicts and scarcity of food. Therefore, disaster management is necessary to curb or stop immense loss and damage.
Disaster management can be in form of disaster prevention, disaster awareness, and preparation. These concepts shall be considered below. Countries all over the world have adopted steps to prevent the widespread of diseases or viruses. These steps include funding of researches for the eradication of natural disasters. Other forms of fundings include food provision, provision of health care amenities etc. The latter is usually employed in economically disadvantaged areas in Africa and the Middle East. Also, Predictions of possible natural disasters have been made possible by improved scientific researches. For instance, equipment has been developed to adequately detect earthquakes and tsunamis.
This has led to growing voices for environmental consciousness. Consciousness in this sense translates to the reduction in all forms of environmental pollution, essay on disaster management. Disaster awareness is another way of curbing excesses of widespread epidemics. Members of the public need to be sensitized of the need to keep the peace, de-escalate dangerous situations and to have a safety first approach to every potential disaster. Management of disaster is aimed at reducing death rates and suffering of a human. When successful management of all these can be attained, the impact of disasters can be mitigated. Hence, the importance of the successful management of disaster cannot be overstated.
Disaster management is often the need of the hour and it is something which people truly need to be proficient in. Owing to the inhumane anthropogenic exploitation of mother earth, the occurrence of natural disaster has increased considerably, essay on disaster management. Whenever a calamity occur, it is important to be well prepared for it. There is a science called disaster management which helps in both prevention and mitigation of essay on disaster management calamity. Those who practise disaster management are of the opinion that by studying essay on disaster management minor signs and keeping a vigilant watch, we can warn about the disaster and thereby take the right actions. Not only this, essay on disaster management, if we start undoing the damage and do our bit to preserve the environment, a lot of natural disasters can be avoided.
Disaster management specialists are of the opinion that if we regulate the use, we can cut down essay on disaster management disasters like global warming, flash floods, drought and so on. Even the mitigation steps are taught in thorough details to those who learn the dynamics of disaster management. When you are well versed in this science, you will be equipped with the different ways by which you can handle the mitigation. Suppose a flood has occurred, knowing how to let the water recede and to keep an eye on the changing climate so as to offer alerts for any repeat floods could be a significant help. Along with this, there are several other ways by which we can negate the effect of a disaster.
The best use of disaster management has to be the fact that it can help you be prepared for it. Often the finest experts would launch a warning signal and essay on disaster management guide people about the right measures to be taken. However for this to work, it is important to be watchful and vigilant. Sometimes, the calamities can strike without much of a forewarning and this in turn can create even more havoc, essay on disaster management. The bottom line as stated by most disaster management experts is to start taking care of the environment which is the key reason for our survival. When you are doing your bit, you will find that nature will take care of its own as well. Of course, some calamities may strike from time to time but we can definitely cut down their instances significantly by nurturing and protecting this unique environment.
The world is faced by disaster, essay on disaster management, some are severe while some are manageable. Disasters are abrupt accidents that cause massive destruction of life and property including natural calamities. Disasters can either be natural or man-made. These disaster need emergency management to rehabilitate the damage caused. The management is done to contain the damage and to control the hazards of the disaster through a process of disaster management. The process is aimed at preventing disaster and mitigating the inevitable disasters. India is vulnerable to disaster like floods, droughts, landslide and earthquake.
The disaster management efforts by Indian government have greatly improved over the years. The process is divided into four phases of disaster management. The first phase is mitigation whereby the occurrence possibility of a disaster or the adverse effects need to be minimized. The actions include public education on the nature of the disaster and how they can prepare to protect themselves and the structural construction projects. These projects are aimed at minimizing loss of lives and destruction of property by the anticipated disaster. Preparedness is the second phase of disaster management where the goal is to essay on disaster management readiness to handle emergencies through programs by government.
The preparedness is mostly directed towards lifesaving activities. Preparedness involves drafting of plans, developing communication systems, public education and exercises. The third phase is response where the disaster management team enacts the plans to maintain lives and reduce the numbers of affected population. The response is done by providing transport, shelter and food to the affected population. The damage is contained by repairs and temporary solutions are sought e. The final phase of disaster management is recovery, essay on disaster management. This is usually after the disaster has settled and damage has already been done.
In recovery, the team tries to restore the livelihood of people and the infrastructure. Recovery is done either short term or long term. The aim is to restore a normal or better livelihood for the affected population. Health safety is emphasized during public education. Recovery phase enables the disaster management to transition into long-term solutions. The management of disaster is a challenging process and some essay on disaster management are encountered. In some countries, the specific hazards and disasters are not clear and so the government is unable to deploy disaster management in an unknown disaster.
There is also the aspect of inadequacies when it comes to the technical and framework capability of a nation. Disaster management frameworks require support from the government.
Essay on disaster management in english -- Disaster management essay
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May 23, · 10 Lines on Essay on Disaster Management Good disaster management should include both prevention and cure for the aftereffects of a disaster The governing body in India with regard to disaster management is the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) Disaster are mostly two types, man-made and Estimated Reading Time: 7 mins Disaster management refers to the response to an emergency situation to make it as normal as possible. While writing an essay on Disaster Management, you can start with an introduction, then go on with the definition, the types of disaster management, a little in-depth explanation along with examples, and finish it off with a blogger.comted Reading Time: 10 mins Apr 13, · Disaster Management Essay: Disaster Management’ is the basic term of the executives which embraces heaps of calamity related exercises. Calamity happens habitually in certain areas of the planet. Japan is its best illustration. Japanese individuals are irritated on Tsunamis and tremors. The nearby scene isn’t very different from the worldwide one
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